4 “Real” Self-Care Ideas for Real Estate Agents

As a professional real estate agent, do you often find yourself:

  • Being available to clients at all hours of the day?
  • Working 7 days a week (even if only for a few hours)?
  • Acting as a people pleaser, unable to say no or set boundaries when needed?
  • Neglecting your own needs?

If this sounds like you, here’s your reminder to practice self-care! Your happiness and level of success is not measured only by the income produced by your business; it also includes your mental and physical health, your relationships with your loved ones, and a work/life balance that jives with your values and ideals.

So, if your level of self-care is currently lacking, check out these ideas to get you on the right path for your self-care success!

1. Take Control of Your Calendar

If you don’t already, it’s time to start time-blocking your days so you can focus on what is most important for yourself and your business. By designating certain hours of the day for specific items you can control, like creating content, making sales calls, and completing operational tasks, you’ll create a sense of routine and normalcy for yourself. Be sure to time-block slots for physical activity (to keep your body healthy) and mental health activities (to enhance your overall well-being).

2. Prioritize Recurring Events That Develop Connections with Your Loved Ones

Take some time and discuss your priorities with your loved ones, and then work together to determine some important ways to connect on a regular basis. Maybe it’s a weekly date night with your partner, or perhaps it’s a nightly sit-down dinner with your entire family. Whatever you decide, be sure to schedule it in as a non-negotiable appointment, so that these recurring events can become a cornerstone in the health and connection of your relationships.

3. Carve Out Some Quiet Time

Many real estate agents have very busy schedules, working 12 hours or more per day, so it’s super important to find a way to “unplug” in the evenings. Instead of scrolling on your phone or catching up on emails, try spending quiet time geared towards self-care and rejuvenation. Take a longer shower than usual, practice yoga, read that new book you bought, or cook a healthy dinner and prepare lunch for the following day. You’ll find that if you prioritize these types of self-care tasks, the benefits you’ll receive will compound exponentially, providing you with even greater and longer-lasting improvement in your mental and physical well-being.

4. Love the Work You Do, and Delegate the Rest

As a real estate professional, you don’t need to do everything within your business to be a success. First, determine which areas of your business can ONLY be handled by you, and then work on delegating some of the tasks that don’t fall into that category. For example, if you’re a people-person that thrives on making and growing personal connections, maintain a focus on conducting your sales calls, and then delegate your marketing tasks to trusted team members or a hired professional.

The Big Picture

Remember – you are responsible for prioritizing your own mental and physical health. Your overall well- being has a tremendous impact on not only your business success, but more importantly, your quality of life. If you don’t prioritize these things, then who will?

While it’s easy to get caught up in (and overwhelmed by) your daily responsibilities, simple things like having better control of your calendar, prioritizing connections with your loved ones, carving out some quiet time, and delegating tasks to streamline your business will all result in a happier, healthier you!

Written by Rebecca Rogers

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